A listener writes in asking about her reluctance to talk about politics with a good friend. She knows this friend is “on the other side” in his political views. She does not believe either she or her friend can be persuaded by the other and therefore wants to avoid the unpleasantness of the inevitable conflict. At the same time she feels that there is an elephant in the room and she is not being an honest and true friend. In this show I discuss the pros and cons of political conversations with friends, Braver Angels – an organization whose mission is to bridge political divides and guidelines for navigating these relationships. To explore Braver Angels go to www.braverangels.org
CHASEing Love
Today, I welcome back Chase O’Donnell. We will catch up on experiences in the dating scene. She is in her 30s and I who just dipped my toe into the 70s. Chase and I met on a spiritual retreat this summer. When I found out that she earns her living as a stand-up comedienne, I asked her to join me on the show. She eagerly agreed. As we talked about being single and dating, we began to compare the desires and challenges of a woman ready to start a family life with a post-reproductive woman. Naturally we compared the desires and challenges of men in our respective cohorts. Our surprising and mutual conclusions brought us full circle to our original connection as spiritual seekers. You know we will be laughing!