Welcome to The Remarkable Relationship Show with Mercy Russell, where we find the wonder in your story. I will be your host for the next hour. I have over 35 years of experience applying the science of relationship systems to my practice of psychotherapy and leadership consulting. My intuitive skills allow me to bring clarity and vision to your challenges. I hope you will be surprised in the next hour.
Good morning. This is Mercy Russell with The Remarkable Relationship Show.
I’m here today with Joy Smith, an Executive Coach and Author.
The topic of our show today is My Relationships with Dolphins, Learning to love and Lead Myself.
Today, Joy and I will talk about her 35-year journey with a pod of spinner dolphins, management of her family relationships along the way, and her spiritual awakening. My goal in this show is to bring a fresh perspective to you on all things related to how humans develop their individual brilliance while navigating the excitement, stickiness, and individual and resistance in their relationships. In my 39 years of working as a psychotherapist, I have been continually amazed at the ways in which people overcome challenges. Today I hope to share Joys, experiences, insights, and the magic in her story.
I’d like to intro introduce you now to Joy. Joy and I met well when I was learning to golf. She has been a patient and generous companion. We share a love of being on the golf course, even in the desert heat, and the joy of playing in a very serious golf game. Joy is an Executive Coach and Author, who has worked at some of the top companies in the world, including Amazon, AT&T, British Telecom, BT Group, Reliance Communications in India and Verizon. Throughout her career, she has been part of a man’s world where the focus has been on engineering and building massive telecommunications networks, taking her on a journey to 28 countries. Joy’s coaching clients are often entrepreneurs and business leaders who are committed to transforming themselves while at the same time leading by example to ultimately have an impact on their business. In her practice, she engages with her clients to work through a process of self-actualization that allows them to connect with the understanding and realization that it was me all along, which definitively has led them to their current results. The realization that it is their mental models, judgements, behaviors, attitudes, et cetera, that created their current state can be life changing.
Joy knows this reality very well as through her remarkable life trek. It has been filled with life changing tests and risks along the way. There have been many moments that have been extremely uncomfortable and unreasonable at times. She has found herself on her knees wondering what to do next. Right on time when she needed it the most. Her greatest teachers and guides showed up in her life to provide guidance and discovery into her spiritual, human and corporate world. These guides are a pod of wild spinner dolphins who live off the coast of Hawaii near her family home. Today we will explore her story as it is truly empowering and lightning.
Welcome, Joy. Hello.
Hello, Mercy. How are you today?
I’m great. How are you?
I’m very well, especially when we get to talk about my dear Dolphin friends. Yes.
It’s so exciting. Joy has written two books, one of which is about this wonderful experience with the Dolphins, which I’ve read, and it has been truly an inspiration to learn about this. I’d like to start with just giving our audience a little bit of an introduction to your background, your family background and then your years growing up, I think they really have contributed a lot to who you are today.
I was born into a military family. My father was in the rural Canadian Air Force and immediately upon the age of two, we started our world travel. My father was transferred and stationed in Thorney Island, England, which is just off the coast of Portsmouth. We were there for three years, and I remember quite a few of it. We lived on the base and dad was rising through the ranks as a navigator. After we lived there, we went to Germany for a year. By the time I was almost six, we came back to Canada and the place we landed in Canada was in the province of Quebec, in the city called St. Hubert. And it was on an Air Force base.
We left there when I was eight. And it was around that time that I had this feeling that I was not going to have friends because it was move, move, say goodbye. And for me, I was so young, I was unsure of the idea, the concept of the notion, do you keep these lifelong? There was one family in St. Hubert, they were the close friends with my parents and Christine, and I did keep in touch, but it was not something that I would call it like a deep friendship. We moved every two years after that. My father was sent to the province of Ontario where he went to staff college, they called it because he was learning all about NORAD at the time.
Then we were sent to Richards Gebaur Air Force Base in Kansas City, Missouri. We were there for four years, and I really loved it there. It was a longer than usual stay and I was quite devastated when it was time to move from there. And we went back up to Canada, to North Ontario, way in the north of Ontario, as my father was very much to NORAD in those days. And so, there were another couple of moves before my father made the decision to retire. And it was then a conversation between my mother and father. My brother and I were not necessarily included in that conversation. And it was where do we land? Where do we retire? It was either going to be Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, or it was going to be Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Opposite coasts. And the decision was made by father’s parents were in worse off condition and needed more assistance. That meant it was Vancouver, British Columbia. I think I sighed a little bit of relief because it was, for me, a bigger place to be and not as small as the island, Prince Edward Island. And yes, growing up and just learning this whole process of what friends mean, it was a struggle for me because I felt it had to work so hard to make a friend. Then as I got into my career, I had the quick lesson of the corporate world, and the business world isn’t the place where you make friends.
It was a real learning in my own maturity because I moved so much, and I didn’t have those real learnings through friends. I mean, it was interesting that when I began my career to listen to people that say,” Oh yeah, she’s been my friends since I was in second grade” That’s amazing. And, hearing all that, it was quite amazing to me.
Now you did have experiences that I think may have also impacted you. On one hand, you had this experience of being the outsider, it certainly doesn’t satisfy our human need for social comfort, right? But there are other advantages to it. That being somebody who’s outside of things, who can see things with a fresh perspective, who must develop a sense of self that’s not dependent on the group. And then on the other hand, you were with this family, the group that was moving around and my observations have been that families who do that, then develop very close bonds, even if they don’t live close to each other as time goes on. They have an orientation to each other that it’s not dependent on the family tradition or core, but they learn to rely on each other. And I think just as you said, your parents moved to care for their parents. And this has been a theme in your life too, despite your worldwide travels. You have been there when it was important.
Yes. That it’s an interesting notion, that the idea would be that as this unit we traveled, however, I became very, very close to my mother. And ultimately my father and my brother chose to stay in the outsider space because he chose a very technical deep analytical career. And, I mean, all intense purposes, he doesn’t have friends, nor does it bother him that he doesn’t. It was me that was the one all about wanting to make friends. In some ways, for that outsider, he had the advantage, that’s where he wanted to stay. Absolutely.
Me the outsider, have a more mature relationship with myself as an outsider, I could have handled what that meant. Now I get an opportunity to look in and see how people interact and how this friend is this friend and look in.
Right. Right.
What I quickly learned is there is no way I was even a friend to myself. And, I think to your point, what I’ve come to learn is that more outside of life, the life that goes on, if an individual does not have a good relationship with themselves. The more outside they keep themselves. Because there’s not a reflection there at all to have some direct feedback what’s so ever. It was my challenge to ultimately stop racing in to get a friend. Because on the other side of that, I would end up going a bit too fast. I also discovered, I turned off my inner listener, my objective psyche, because my collective thought was, “Well, aren’t we supposed to have friends and get out there and go do things and racing around?”
And my objective psyche, which I know is my intuition, my inner wisdom wanted to speak to me. It was so funny because on some occasions, this voice was: “did you not hear what that person said?” The volume was very low on my objective psyche, my intuition. The volume was turned very high on collective thought of who’s with who and where’s the cliques and what’s this and where do I join rather than listening to my true self, and whether it was telling me, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
The other thing I want to bring out is your parents. You talked about your brother being very logical and self-focused and very technical and analytical. And obviously your father was too. And later in life you could see his right brain coming into the conversation.
Both your parents have really had some amazing connections with important thinkers in what we would call the intuitive arts. Your mother and your father separately I think played roles in that. And you were doing your own growing up though.
Yes, doing my own growing up. Yeah. Getting out there. I also decided to go in the technical telecommunications area and it was interesting
How old were you when you did that?
I was 22.
My children were very young and married very young. I was not listening when I stepped into this initial marriage and was divorced very young. I was a young single parent with a son who was three and a half, and a daughter who is two and a half. It was interesting that to find the right places to work. I had to work so many hours because I was still doing some courses at school. It was the realization of what I had taken on and working, going to school, picking up children from daycare, tending to the evening, studying at night, and then starting all over again. And realizing now as I look back, I did what I had to do every single day.
The thing that I really recognized that I loved being in this technical arena, it was a man’s world. I was in this man’s world, and I could communicate because I didn’t see them as, the area where I would make friends. I saw them as fellow peers in business. We had great relationships in my work. I saw what was ahead for me if I wanted to, was the travel side, which it started to stir something in me. And when people recognized how well I was training others, because I was in telecommunications training, I had this way of bringing something down to its core understanding. In other words, talk in English. They wanted to send me everywhere and they assisted me to get a nanny for the children so I could do this travel.
I got this bug, and I understood my father, I understood what it was for him to get in a plane to go somewhere. He had to complete certain number of hours in the air when he was a navigator. Two points I had. It was so much fun to be with these males in this very respectful position. And I often asked myself, where was this ability to have this kind of initial engagement in an intimate relationship. And it was many years after my first marriage that I married again. I was in this man’s world and traveling and at a point, my children’s father had asked them to come live with him. They had gone to live with him. And that was at a time when everything was coming down at once. Again, I didn’t listen, and my intuition was attempting to tell me, not this company, go that way. My father taught me integrity. And when I don’t see integrity it just throws me off.
And so, I left the position I was in, my children went to live with their father, and I was in this situation and it created an opportunity for me to go be with my parents.
And now at this point your parents were living in…
Hawaii. We had built this family home. It seemed to be the best place for my father. I was at a loss of what to do. But it gave me an opportunity to really learn about myself. My father had an accent. He was a paraplegic. My mother was looking after him so I could go over and I could assist them as we finished building the home for them. And it was there that my life changed. And I believe it was in the question of “what am I going to do from here?”
You were in that empty space. I have a good friend, and she talked about it as being when a trapeze artist is going from one trapeze to the next and in the middle, they’re not holding onto anything.
Except they’re still moving to the next one. That is where you were when you landed in Hawaii.
Right. I just didn’t know me. I had no idea. I was out on the lanai, and I had just gotten over there, and I was looking out into this cove, and I remember questioning, are those sharp? What are those? And I asked my mother and she said, “Those are Spinner Dolphins, maybe you want to go and meet them.”
Oh, your mother said you should go and meet them.
And it was so interesting because it was at that point that I said to myself, “Well, if you’re going to learn about running into relationships, if you’re ever going to learn it, you’re going to learn it now.”
I had done some production work with the Robins Research Institute with Tony Robins at one time. And the thing that was all encompassing was these 21 days to build a habit. So I thought to myself, now is the time to step in slowly. I was a good swimmer, I swam in high school, and I got snorkel gear and fins. And I got up the next morning and I swam out and I stopped at a certain place, they were not far from me. What I found myself doing was introducing myself to the dolphins. I just went on and I went, Okay, so let’s really tell the story here. Who am I? And I started to just say, “HI! I don’t do well at relationships, this and this.” And then I came to a point, I went, Okay, that’s enough for today. I turned around, I went back in and the next day the same thing. And what my mission was, I thought was to go and be with the dolphins in this slow adjusting process when what I discovered was, I was finding out who I was.
So let me just mention one thing. You were talking and introducing yourself to dolphins. How much more neutral could dolphins be about who you were?
There wasn’t a personal judgment, there wasn’t a relationship judgment, there wasn’t a human judgment. You knew that they were highly intelligent sension beings. I just think of the brilliance being able to really talk to those who are really, truly deeply neutral and what effect it can have.
They knew I was there. They were just doing their normal swim. The first and second day my voice was getting, “they’re not listening to me.” And then I realized it doesn’t matter if they’re listening to you, you have to listen to..
Yes. And it was very revealing what I was learning. I could feel myself go down inward where I had never been before into this place where the subconscious, the intuition, the inner wisdom resided. We could use the analogy of the iceberg there, you know, only 10% of the iceberg is above water and 90% of is below water. And there’s a lot of people walking around out there, we included many years ago, that only knew that 10% of themselves. So I had a true analogy, swimmers in the ocean to assist me to go on this, this discovery.
Joy, I think we’re going to take a break now. In the next segment we will hear how you started interacting with the dolphins. This journey started and deepened with you, knowing you. This is Mercy Russell with The Remarkable Relationship Show. My guest today is Joy Smith, an Executive Coach and Author. We are talking about how she learned to love and lead herself in her relationship with dolphins. We’ll be back after the break
This is Mercy Russell with The Remarkable Relationship Show. I’m here today with my guest, Joy Smith, an Executive Coach and consultant, and we are talking about her relationship with dolphins and learning to love and lead herself. So Joy, we were just talking about how you had put yourself in the ocean, near in front of your parents’ home in Hawaii, to begin to relate to a pod of spinner dolphins. And in doing so, day after day you started to speak about who you were. And in the process you started to learn who you were and to appreciate who you were. And then what happened?
It was incredible. As the days and the weeks went on, I began to realize what an amazing spiritual being I am and leading this human experience. I was incredible. And at that point, and I think it was two days before, I realized, I don’t care what happens. I’m just glad I know you. And it was about two days later, I had my gear on, I went out and I had always came up with the same strokes swimming and I stopped where my number of strokes ended. And this one morning I was on my way out and I was little over three quarters there, I put my arm out to take a stroke and I touched something, and I thought I had veered off my path. And I came out of the water and the dolphins were there, right in front of me, and right next to me, and all around me.
I didn’t know what to, I just didn’t know what to think. This was that phrase, be careful what you want, you just might get it. And they were all around me and I just said, “Thank you, thank you.”
It was this sense that they’re really meeting you because you created this. They swam around. I swam in the middle, and I just allowed them to tell me. I said, I’m not going to push myself on them, I’m going to allow them to tell me. And they just swam around and swam around and we just had this glorious time. And then they swam off and I was literally shaking. I was shaking. And I went home, and my father could see something had changed. He had this nickname for me. He called me Lollipop, even when I got older, he said, “lollipop What’s up?”
I sat down and I told him, and he said, “I’m not surprised, it’s about time they came to meet you.”
It was a glorious feeling and I just wanted to be with it. I told my mother and my father, then I went off to a beach. I just sat and began that day to write about it. That was the day I started to journal about them. All I had understood about myself, I wrote about 40 pages by hand that day. And then after I had all these experiences. By the time I was done, before I wrote my book about the dolphins, I had 20 journals that I had written in every experience in what I had learned. And the next day I didn’t know what was going to greet me. I swam out and sure enough, they were there. It’s like that day they decided, okay, let’s learn how to communicate.
I felt that it was my body and my hands that were going to be the best communication. I started to pat the water and they come close. Pat the water scared them a little, started waving water and then they would swim around.
I went, “Okay, is it this?” And they’d swim around me again. So I just learned different ways of communicating with them. It was interesting as if my thoughts wandered into the thinking too much realm. They would come over and hit me on my arm, as if to say, just stay in here.
And the weeks went on and every day on time they were there. And different things would surface for me, come out of my heart up in the realization that I was here for a greater good. I was here to love myself beyond anything. And to remember that my objective, psyche, and my intuition were always there to guide me.
It was about two months after meeting them, that this one morning there’s only like maybe five dolphins around. What I called Bozo, because he is a little bit of a clown. And he would lead, he came around me and swam, like saying Do you want me to follow? I went, “Oh, this is the first” And so I thought, okay, I’m a good swimmer. Out we go. I’m swimming along and we went directly out. And then the voice said, Trust. Just trust. Let it go. Trust. And the dolphins came around me again, came around like, this is good.
We went around a cove, and we came back in, and I could see more fins on the surface. I got this message to swim down. I free dove with them a lot. It was interesting how long I could keep my breath with them, but go in a regular pool, no way. But with them I could hold my breath. There was this sense, you want me to go way deep here. And there was something that just trust. I’ve come to love myself so much over these last weeks and days and months. It doesn’t really matter what happens next. My daughter and my son are loved, my parents are cared for. And I went, who knows what’s going to happen if I dive deep and I’m willing to surrender to whatever.
So, I swam way down and there was this little open cave, and I went in and there was an air pocket. I got my breath. When I went into that cave, and I looked over to the left and I could see dolphins swimming there. I got a breath and then I was intending to come up to go all the way to the surface. And I looked over, and lo and behold, there is a fluke coming out of the female dolphin. I went, Oh my goodness, she’s giving birth. And I just stopped and watched the remarkable. The fluke, the tail comes out first because they have to get their traction to come out, and then the mama takes the calf to the surface. And I went to. It was as if I had become a dolphin that day. I was asked literally to join the dolphin family. The baby, the calf who was so cute, he had these little muscles that would show. I called it Hercules.
When I got out of the water, I was out of breath, I was overwhelmed, and I really didn’t know when I went down deep in the water if I would come up to the surface again. And all that wounding around me in this, I realized in that birth, that I had been reborn that day to live a life of gratitude, inner peace and joy, which is ultimately my nickname. It’s not my birth name. My birth name is Virginia. And to live the life and it doesn’t matter what happens is just live. They taught me a lot; it’s been quite amazing.
It’s such a long story, but can you talk about some of the ways that your relationship with the Dolphins, played a role in your development of your career? The choices that you made, the contact you had with them when you weren’t in Hawaii. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?
They were always a part of my life. I traveled to 29 countries. It was apparent I could connect with their energy no matter where I was. What I learned from them was to stay in the place of that objective psyche because it would guide me, well my intuition, and it did. Whether I was in a different culture, whether it was India, whether it was Malaysia, whether it was China. In these different cultures, it led me well, especially in those times where I begin to navigate things through the thinking of my US culture. Even though I was in these countries. I’d get these little nudges around my body saying, let it go for now. Navigate. And it did. I knew it was that dolphin energy directing my spirit through these human conditions.
I’ve always been out there and loved to golf. I love being with people on the golf course and enjoying them, it’s fun for me. I’ve often been asked about relationships. And even though I have these interactions, on the golf course where, we’ve been laughing with the men that we’ve been put together with. I’ve gone to such a place that I’m happy, there’s inner peace and that can take me wherever I need to go.
There were times in the travel in India, there was a lot to learn about the culture there and the business culture there. It was interesting to navigate through that. I think at times my confidence in who I am, what I can bring my own experience and knowledge, and what it can bring into a situation, was for easy for me to tap into. Was sometimes taken on some level as condescending as I knew exactly what I needed to say, how I needed to introduce an idea or a notion or whatever it was. I was there to organize this new department for this new organization that would be developed to be the ones that owned this new telecommunication. Whether it was cellular, whether it was landline, whether it was wireless to manage this new infrastructure, that had just been deployed.
I just want to interject a little bit here; I want to reference your second book that is not about Dolphins. They’ll be in the show notes. It’s about your experience, which involved training and leadership development of the C-suite as well as developing leadership programs all the way through the organization. This became your expertise to the point that you worked then for Amazon. So, this was a branch out, wasn’t telecommunications.
It was technical.
It’s a technical organization with the employees that are working in technology. But you were brought in from the top. Now, there was a period you were on a break. Can you tell us a little bit about that. How that journey started? I want to let people know that you’ve been talking very generally about your career, but you’ve had some amazing experiences based on your value to other people and organizations.
The company in which I was traveling, doing all the projects and consulting was my company. I founded it, and it was called Training Insights. We then were brought in by the telecommunications companies to do what we do. And that was to build the organization, design how the headcount was going to be, assist to hire, do the install, commissioning, and everything that went with it. And I, in 2008, was ready to come off the road. I put my business up for sale, and the customer base and everything that we were providing. I ended up selling the company in early 2009. And then Amazon was looking to building some leadership training. And so, I was brought in there very quickly.
By the CEO of Amazon directly. I just want to say that. This was not a let’s go find someone, let’s go get an executive recruiter. I believe Mr. Bezos called you directly.
Well, no, he didn’t call me directly. It was one of the interviewers. Yes,
Yes. He made the decision.
I did several things there. Number one, Amazon had instructor led training, so that was one place, they instructor led training and my feedback to them was the idea of bringing eLearning into the realm of learning, because not everybody learns well in an instructor led environment. So we did that. And then it was building leadership programs starting at the top down, leadership series, leadership programs. In some ways it was easy, Amazon had these leadership principles, and it was taking those and building those throughout the leadership and developing those in a way that they became the tools in leadership. There were several leaders that were on the STEAM team, Jeff Bazos team, several of them, who including Jeff Bezos, that had a feeling or had this sense that there’s a leader in everyone. And the idea is to basically stimulate and trigger that inner leader and through those leadership principles was the way to do it because they all fed into each other.
I’m watching our time and I don’t want to miss out on other important things. Joy’s second book has a lot of depth in terms of her experience and her thinking of what she can contribute to this field. You were training people to do what you had already done for yourself. It did all begin with you. So, this is not just a nice idea, it’s something that you really lived.
You have talked to me about the importance of finding your purpose and of self-actualization. I wonder if you could talk a little bit more about that. This is a term that is banded about quite a bit, but I really like our audience to hear what it feels like. How does one live in, in self-actualization?
There has always been this quote, “if you will find your purpose, live your purpose.” In defining it a little bit, what does that mean? Well, it’s the place that all of your passions come together. It’s the place where it’s easy for you to go into inner peace. I am peaceful doing X, I am at peace when I’m working together to come to this objective or this goal. It’s whatever that feeling, that sense is ultimately your purpose. It was drives you. And there’s been many studies on what is it that drives momentum or drives motivation in someone. And everybody have test. Many experts have tested it thinking it was the money. And it’s not, it’s the other side of the money. It’s the worth side. When I’m worthy and I’m stepping into the passions that excite me, and I’m living my passions, the money will follow.
What’s more important is to be in that place of inner peace. And in that place of inner peace and passion, there is no striving because it’s easy to get to the place of curiosity, the place of creativity where boundless innovation comes from. When people are in the zone of those passions, they can create amazing things. In my book, the realization of “It was ME all Along, the Path to Freedom.” When I realize that it is me all along, I’m the one that made the choices. I’m the one that thinks a certain way. I’m the one that has the mental models.
It’s up to me to connect with the notion of knowing myself enough to step into those collective things that ultimately bring me joy in what I do. I think in some ways Yoda said it very well. “I’m learning.” But you’ve learned up to this point and it’s stepping in. I often think it’s a very similar thing that I have had experienced in ET even though they were movies. The bottom line is Elliot, and ET was his spirit.
Because he came to that point of almost dying in the movie. I understand it’s a movie, but it was an allegory for this. In many ways I see myself as a rose above all the ways of life tells you’ve got to get into a career, you’ve got to earn your money, you got to do this. NO. Because when you’re there in that zone, everything takes care of itself. And I am so glad because I believe the Dolphins ultimately taught me that.
There is so much more to your story and yes, we do have some time left, but one thing that I want to mention. I’m always talking to people about parenting and their children and, just very briefly, you have two children. Your older child is your son, someone that you haven’t heard from for quite a long time. And I wish you could speak briefly because I know there are many families and that have this situation in their family where one member has taken a choice and a path in life and that can cause others a lot of anguish. The important thing too, I think, is how does a family develop a sense of calm and neutrality around the choices that their, that their children make? Just if you could speak briefly about that for a few minutes.
My daughter and I are very, very close. We always have been. And my son, love him dearly at this moment. I don’t know where he is and I haven’t communicated with him since 2004. What I knew and what the Dolphins taught me was sometimes we must let people be free to learn, to live, to love or choose not. I had supported my son, given him whatever he needed. It was one day I realized it isn’t going to shift anything because his choice was clear, whatever that was, his choice was clear. I was not going to enable a relationship that had a lot of dysfunctions and supported this choice. Whether it was alcohol, whether it was drugs, I was not going to do it. So, when he asked me, I said no. And it was from that moment, I have not heard from him. It was shortly after that; it was about a month after I said no. I went swimming with the dolphins and they all came around to me and literally came in to give me a hug and said, it is the choice you needed because his choice, is his choice.
I had a little ceremony and sent him love and peace and light and said maybe one day. When he comes through my thoughts, I send him love and light and the knowing that I released him fully to do what he needed to do, whatever that is.
Wonderful. I want to end on that note. Joy, you are a mentor of mine. It’s been such a blessing for me to get to know you and I look forward to a lot more time out there on the links. Joy’s books are available on Amazon in Kindle, paperback and Audible versions and are written in her birth name Virginia C. Smith. The titles are, the first one is “The Dolphin Lady, The Story of a Unique Relationship.” And the second one, “It was Me All Along, the Path to Freedom.” Then you can reach Joy through her email, which is graceconsulting@outlook.com or access her monthly blog on her website, www.itwasmeallalong.com. And I know she’d love to hear that.
Thank you so much Joy for joining us today. This is Mercy Russell with The Remarkable Relationship Show. This has been a most remarkable relationship. And I simply do the introduction. I encourage you to read Joy’s books and to learn more. They’re some wonderful stories in both accounts. And my name is Mercy Russell. You can reach me at mercy@leadershipwithmercy.com