Bowen Family Systems Theory is the framework for understanding human behavior that I have used for over 30 years, in my clinical practice, my work in organizations and businesses and in my personal life with my family, friends and colleagues. It guides my curiosity and fascination with everyone and every mess I meet. I have done my best to make this way of thinking my own.
The inspiration for this show is Dr. Ann Bunting. She was my first Bowen supervisor, teacher and mentor. She lived Bowen Theory embedded in a vibrant family and community while staying true to herself. I hope to share something today that may inspire a listener’s curiosity about their relationship system as Dr. Bunting inspired me.
Books: “Extraordinary Relationships: A New Way of Thinking about Human Interactions”, Robert Gilbert, M.D. & “Growing Yourself Up: How to bring your best to all of life’s relationships”, Jenny Brown