Today, I will be interviewing Chase O’Donnell. We will be talking about our experiences of dating. She is in her 30s and I turn 70 today. Chase and I met on a spiritual retreat this summer. When I found out that she earns her living as a stand-up comedienne, I asked her to join me on the show. She eagerly agreed.
As we talked about being single and dating, we began to compare the desires and challenges of a woman ready to start a family life with a post-reproductive woman. Naturally we compared the desires and challenges of men in our respective cohorts. Our surprising and mutual conclusions brought us full circle to our original connection as spiritual seekers. You know we will be laughing!
Chase O’Donnell is an LA based comedian, actress, and writer. She currently features for Christina P. across the US. Her two person comedy show ‘Too Blondes’ won the Broadway World Award and received praise in the New York Times.
Chase has been a fan favorite on notable podcasts including “Dr. Drew After Dark” and “Where My Mom’s At”. She also writes for National Lampoon’s Final Edition. Chase was chosen for Best of Fest in the Burbank Comedy Festival and won the famous Uncle Clyde’s Comedy Contest.
She enjoys tea, rainbows, and Disney Plus in no particular order.
Instagram: @chase_odonnell |
Website: www.chaseodonnell.com